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Full Servo Mini Sanitary Napkin Machine

Full Servo Mini Sanitary Napkin Machine

  • Manufacturer of precision machined parts for servo-controllers, aerospace products, and rotary air compressors using CAD and technology that employs CNC workcenters.
  • Located in India. Produces a variety of turned brass and alloy steel components to customer specifications. Examples include valve parts, sanitary and plumbing fittings, plugs, and couplings.
  • Using traditional embroidery, beading, and applique forms, this artist creates works from sanitary napkins.
  • Specialized in the production of paper tissues, kitchen paper, diapers, sanitary napkins, and table clothes.
  • Mini Sanitary Towel Making Machine

    Automatic Mini Sanitary Towel Machine

    Full Servo Mini Sanitary Napkin Machine